Sexual Assault

"Very Young Girls"

Have you seen Very Young Girls on Showtime? If you haven’t it’s still possible to see it On Demand through March 3rd and it’s well worth your time. We don’t often think about trafficking victims as being young American teens and pre-teens, but as this documentary clearly shows, the problem is rampant right here in the US.

I was able to see Very Young Girls in December and will screen it for my own students in April. As a forensic clinician, I found it incredibly relevant to my work. I also found it pretty inspiring, as the documentary highlights the comprehensive services offered by GEMS, the only program of its kind in NY state. To get a preview of the documentary, you can view the trailer here. And if you would like to support the work of GEMS, check out their page to see all the ways that’s possible.

3 replies on “"Very Young Girls"”

I have searched Everywhere, even to the point of stalking my friends with different cable providers, I will email GEMs, in the mean time has anyone had any luck finding this ?

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