I’m auditioning a new feature to the site: a monthly look at what’s new and notable in the literature. Obviously this won’t be a comprehensive review, since A.) there are hundreds of journals to comb through and who has that kind of time? and B.) my interests skew in a pretty specific direction so I’m sure there’s stuff out there that wouldn’t necessarily catch my attention but would be compelling and/or relevant to many of you.
That being said, here’s a look at what I’m reading…from the March 2009 Journals (with links to abstracts):
Academic Emergency Medicine: Volume 16 Issue 3
Randomized Prospective Study to Evaluate Child Abuse Documentation in the Emergency Department
Elisabeth Guenther, et al.
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology: Volume 30, Issue 1
Medical Homicide and Extreme Negligence
Emily Duncanson, et al.
Child Maltreatment: Volume 14, Issue 1
A Commentary on Mandatory Reporting Legislation in the United States, Canada, and Australia: A Cross-Jurisdictional Review of Key Features, Differences, and Issues
Joan M. Rankin & Amy E. Ornstein
Telling Interviewers About Sexual Abuse: Predictors of Child Disclosure at Forensic Interviews
Tonya Lippert, et al.
Journal of Forensic Sciences: Volume 54 Issue 2
Detection of Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid in Various Drink Matrices via AccuTOF-DART
Mark J. Bennett and Robert R. Steiner
Journal of Interpersonal Violence: Volume 24, Issue 4
The Danger Assessment: Validation of a Lethality Risk Assessment Instrument for Intimate Partner Femicide
Jacquelyn C. Campbell, et al.
Pediatrics: Volume 123, Issue 3
Exploring Emergency Contraception Knowledge, Prescription Practices, and Barriers to Prescription for Adolescents in the Emergency Department
Monika Goyal, et al.
Association Between Bullying and Psychosomatic Problems: A Meta-analysis
Gianluca Gini and Tiziana Pozzoli
Run across other compelling journal articles this month? Feel free to share them with us in the Comments. And if this is a feature you’d like to see regularly, let us know that, too!
One reply on “Articles of Note”
GREAT IDEA!!! Keep up the EXCELLENT work>>>