DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Engaging Men

An interesting coincidence (if you believe in those sorts of things) happened yesterday. I received an email from a reader asking about resources to engage men in ending violence against women; and I checked my Facebook page last night and saw that EVAW had posted some info about one of Canada’s latest campaigns to engage men in ending violence, It Starts With You. So I’ve taken that as a sign from the Internet gods, and am doing a post today on the topic. It’s in no means comprehensive (in fact, consider it more of a jumping off point)–if you have more to add, please do so in the comments section so readers around the globe can benefit from our collective knowledge. My resources are, for the most part, US and Canadian. I would love (love, love) to hear about campaigns in other countries, as well.



Other Resources:

3 replies on “Engaging Men”

Thanks again…Lots of great info, If anyone has anything out there on Single moms raising boys …please pass on.

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