I know that I am late to post something about Haiti, but with the reports looking bleaker and bleaker, I figured I’m not too late. Please join me in showing your support through a contribution to Partners in Health, a group providing critical medical care in Haiti. I have pledged to raise $500 through the site: to put this number in perspective, if every regular reader donated $1, we’d reach our goal in a day (and then some). Please visit the FHO contribution site to make your donation: http://act.pih.org/page/outreach/view/haitiearthquake/FHO.
Join Me in Supporting PIH

2 replies on “Join Me in Supporting PIH”
It’s never too late to provide help to those in need. Thank you for setting up a portal for us to join together, as a forensic nursing group, to offer aid. Goal met!
Thank you, Laura! And thanks all of you who contributed!