
Books: To Buy and To Giveaway

Donations and supplies are still desperately needed for Haiti. Please consider making a donation to Partners in Health at the FHO contribution site: We’re so close to our goal!

About once a week someone emails me to ask what’s on my bookshelf. So I’ve added a widget in the lefthand righthand nav that links to some of my essentials over at my new FHO store on Amazon. It’s broken into categories, so if you’re interested, you can see what’s on my clinic shelf, and you can see the geeky business and presentation titles I love, too. I’ll make it a point to keep the store updated as new stuff comes my way.

And speaking of books, stay tuned because we have a new giveaway from our friends at GW Medical coming next week. Hmm, what could it be?

(Canadian readers: Check out the new updates to the Canada page, too!)