Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault Testimony

New Clinical Guide: Photography

I’ve been meaning to get a new clinical guide up, but this one has been a challenge. See, injury photography hasn’t been written up extensively in the literature. What is out there is by and large pretty old (you’ll see several Polaroid references in the resources I share). Still, all of these have something to offer forensic practice. As with everything I post, due diligence, please. Read through the materials and decide for yourself whether these are useful and relevant to your work. And if you have other resources and tools you like not already listed here, by all means send them on and I’ll be happy to include them with attribution.

General Camera Tutorials:

  1. Photography Basics
  2. Lenses and Focal Lengths

    See also: Basic Digital Tutorial (2/09)


    1. IMI National Guidelines Consent to Clinical Photography (UK) (PDF)
    2. Yorkshire sample, England (PDF)
    3. University of Queensland sample, Australia (PDF)
      1. SAFE TA Forms Library—> Policies

      Quality Assurance:

      1. Tulsa, OK (Courtesy of Kathy Bell)
      2. Colorado Springs: ImageQuest (Courtesy of Jennifer Pierce-Weeks)
      3. Colorado Springs: Digital Camera (Courtesy of Jennifer Pierce-Weeks)

        Equipment List

        1. Salt Lake SANE program (Courtesy of Susan Chasson)

          Forensic/Injury Photodocumentation:

          1. Photography section, National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical-Forensic Exam (PDF)
          2. Family Violence Injury Documentation, Sexual Assault Family Violence Investigator Course (good for those of you still using Polaroid)
          3. Photodocumentation in the Investigation of Child Abuse, OJJDP (PDF–original printing 1996); Injury documentation section only (html)
          4. Best Practices in Forensic Photo-documentation, Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance
          5. Documentation Form with Photography Overview, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (PDF)
          6. SDFI-Telemedicine 2010 Forensic Photography Digital Protocol (PDF) (Courtesy of Diana Faugno)

            Legal Issues:

            1. The Admissibility of Digital Photographs in Criminal Cases, FBI Law Enforcement Journal, December 2005
            2. Authentication of Digital Photographs Under the “Pictorial Testimony” Theory: A Response to Critics, Florida Bar Journal July/August, 2004
            3. Admissibility of Digital Photographic Evidence: Should it be Any Different Than Traditional Photography? APRI, Update, 2002


              1. White D, Du Mont J. (2009). Visualizing sexual assault: an exploration of the use of optical technologies in the medico-legal context. Soc Sci Med. Jan;68(1):1-8, discussion 9-11. (Abstract)

                3 replies on “New Clinical Guide: Photography”

                Photography is my thing and I spend a lot of time trying to improve. The material I looked at quickly here seemed very interesting and I will be save this post to reference back often.

                Thanks, Sally! Please feel free to share any other materials you find useful with FHO readers.

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