
Engaging Faith Leaders

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I don’t know if you’ve had the same experience in your own programs, but I have found some members of the faith community to be fantastic allies in the work we do. Whether its providing translation services for patients or informal shelter services, or simply providing another avenue for advocacy, we have continued to develop relationships with aspects of our faith community that have benefited patients significantly.

The FaithTrust Institute is my go-to resource for issues related to faith and domestic/sexual violence, and I’m so pleased to see they’ve begun offering online training. June 24th is their next webinar, and it will focus on engaging faith leaders through community outreach. The webinar will begin at 3pm ET and costs $15. You can register in advance here.

From the site:

“This webinar is for program coordinators from both domestic violence and sexual assault programs and spiritual leaders who want to work in partnership to address domestic and sexual violence.”