My colleague Jeff Greipp is presenting a webinar for the FJCA, Witness Intimidation in Domestic Violence Cases: Emerging Promising Practices and Coordinated Community Responses. The session will take place June 23rd from 9-10:30 PDT. While this may sound very law enforcement-focused, I know how Jeff teaches this information, and he’s fantastic at weaving in the multidisciplinary threads, including the healthcare piece.
From the site:
Witness intimidation is among the most under reported crimes, affecting all crime victims and witnesses, and is near universal in domestic violence cases. Jeff Greipp, the Director of the National Witness Protection Center (NWPC) will identify:
– Signs of a batterer’s undue influence over a victim
– Describe how a batterer’s intimidation of a victim can take various forms and interfere with both the investigation and subsequent prosecution of the offender
– Identify victim behaviors that are attempts to cope with their battering
This information can result in better-tailored risk assessments, safety planning, and contribute to building and employing new police strategies to hold batterers accountable. The training will also demonstrate how to hold abusers accountable even when victims do not participate at trial. Mr. Greipp will also describe the National Witness Protection Center and three of its national pilot sites (San Diego, CA; Duluth, MN; Knoxville TN) that are currently working to improve victims and witnesses safety as well as offender accountability.