
Violence Prevention and OSHA

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Well, folks, I’m heading to Rome for what will be a week of pure vacation. No computer, no blackberry, no cell phone. Posts will continue while I’m away, but I won’t be answering any correspondence until I’m back in the country on the 7th. That being said, there are a bunch of interesting offerings coming up over the next several weeks, including this one. Their description is a tad wordy and hard to follow, but for those of you working on agency anti-violence policies, or for those of you trying to figure out how to incorporate prevention into your practice, this may offer some interesting takeaways:

The Alliance Against Workplace Violence has a webinar September 13th at 2pm ET: Preparing a Violence Prevention Plan With New OSHA Approach. From their site:

Signs are pointing to OSHA embracing the Injury Illness Prevention Program approach US wide to dealing with workplace hazards. Here is what they say on the website:

“Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPP) can substantially reduce the number and severity of workplace injuries and alleviate the associated financial burdens on U.S. workplaces. Many states have requirements or voluntary guidelines for workplace injury and illness prevention programs. Also, numerous employers in the United States already manage safety using Injury and Illness Prevention Programs and we believe that all employers can and should do the same. Most successful injury and illness prevention programs are based on a common set of key elements. These include: management leadership, worker participation, hazard identification, hazard prevention and control, education and training, and program evaluation and improvement.”

In addition, OSHA has adapted a new motto to characterize the IIPP approach “Plan, Prevent and Protect.” In the workplace violence prevention area The National Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc. has pioneered and been a leader in advocating the ‘prevention approach’ versus the ‘zero tolerance’ approach that most organizations adapted in the twentieth century. Even prior to the new direction that OSHA appears to be heading the Institute adapted a motto ‘Plan, Detect, Prevent and Protect.’ There is no coincidence that these paths have crossed and aligned. The Institute worked as the Workplace Violence Prevention Consultant for the State of California which for many years has required organizations to implement IIPPs. Accordingly, the Institute became very familiar with IIPPs and adapting workplace violence prevention programs to work in conjunction with them and as part of a plan.

As a charter member of the Alliance Against Workplace Violence the institute has contributed a chapter to the Alliances’ first project, a new book called – Halt the Violence. The chapter title is “Using Predictive Management Techniques To Reduce the Risk of Workplace Violence.” It introduces predictive management techniques being used by law enforcement and many other progressive organizations to workplace violence along with other prevention methods.

To learn more about this exciting new direction join us for a special webinar on September 13th featuring renown workplace violence expert, W. Barry Nixon, SPHR, Executive Director, The National Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc.

Register for the session here.

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