
Helping Children Remember 9/11

I’m wrapping up some work this weekend, and preparing to travel (naturally) tomorrow to Maxwell AFB, but this table, published here, seemed like a worthy post to commemorate the date. There are multiple resources on how to help children remember 9/11 that may be worth checking out:

Table: Resources for Remembering 9/11

New York University Child Study Center: Preparing for the Anniversary of 9/11: A Guide for ParentsA downloadable document, the guide provides tips for talking with children of varying ages. A teacher guide is also available.
AAP Safety & Prevention: Getting Your Family Prepared for a DisasterPart of AAP’s Safety & Prevention information, this site discusses common child behaviors and strategies for parents to help children cope during and after a disaster.
Children & Disasters: Disaster Preparedness to Meet Children’s NeedsThis site provides information for pediatric providers, day care providers, hospitals, and others on psychological first aid and child adjustment to loss.
Family Readiness Kit: Preparing to Handle DisastersAvailable in both English and Spanish, the site provides a number of practical tools including fact sheets and supply lists for disasters.
What Happened? The Story of September 11, 2001A discussion guide developed by Nickelodeon News and the American Psychological Association, this downloadable document provides a number of action-oriented strategies for assisting kids with common reactions to stress and teaching respect and diversity.
Ready.govThe federal government provides a number of resources in a range of languages to assist families with disaster preparedness. Additionally, the site has a link for a Family Emergency Plan, which provides information on creation of disaster kits and making plans in case of emergencies.

AAP = American Academy of Pediatrics

Medscape actually has a dedicated special report on 9/11 that has some pretty diverse subject matter (I love the Twitter article):

Disaster Preparedness Since 9/11
Remember Anthrax? How Bioterrorism Preparedness Post 9/11
James J. James, MD, Director of the Center for Public Health Preparedness and Disaster Response; Editor-in-Chief ofDisaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness from the American Medical Association
Preparedness Improves; Budget Cuts the Next Disaster?
Interview with Linda Y. Landesman, DrPH, author of Public Health Management of Disasters: The Practice Guide
9/11: Resources for Helping Kids Remember
Interview with Steven Krug, MD, Chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council
How Twitter Has Reshaped Emergency Responses
Nicholas Genes, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Long-term Health Effects
Ten-Year 9/11 Aftershocks: How Bad Are They?
Medscape Medical News
NYC Firefighters Struggle to Breathe 10 Years Later
Thomas Knight Aldrich, MD, Professor of Pulmonary Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Psychiatric Effects From 9/11
Coping With Disaster: The Mental Health Effects of Trauma
Jeffrey Lieberman interviews Dr. Yuval Nuria, Professor of Clinical Psychology; Director of Trauma and PTSD Program, New York State Psychiatric Institute
Major Depressive Disorder Following Terrorist Attacks 
From BMC Psychiatry
Medscape Blogs on 9/11
An Ounce’s Worth
From Public Health Portraits in the New Millennium: Mini’s Musings