
Happy New Year

It’s an exciting weekend here at FHO. Little brother is getting married tonight. And tomorrow I’m packing up the partner, the kid and the pup and heading to Baltimore to ring in the New Year with friends. Here’s hoping you will have the a.) festive, b.) peaceful, c.) romantic, d.) family-filled, e.) any combination thereof… weekend you desire. And, as always, a special thank you to those of you who will be pulling a shift, carrying a pager, or answering the hotline while everyone around you has time off.

Thanks for making this year at FHO the best one we’ve ever had. I look forward to seeing everyone back here on Tuesday. Peace and health in 2012…~Jen

(image via

One reply on “Happy New Year”

Happiest of new years to you and yours Jen. Here’s hoping that 2012 will involve more peace, more clarity and more good work on all of our parts.
I look forward to your presidency and what it will bring for the professional of forensic nursing. Having a leader willing to listen as well as share her wealth of knowledge is precisely what we need.
Cheers my friend.

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