Child Abuse DV/IPV Sexual Assault

WHO Short Courses: Prevention of Family Violence in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

WHO is offering a webinar, which “will focus on capacity for the prevention of family violence, and present WHO’s recently developed comprehensive training packages on the prevention of child maltreatment and the  prevention of intimate partner and sexual violence.” The session will be April 3rd from 3-4pm CEST (that’s 9am ET).

From the site:


Berit Kieselbach, WHO Headquarters, Switzerland
Dr. Christoper Mikton, WHO Headquarters, Switzerland
Dr. Alex Butchart, WHO Headquarters, Switzerland

The webinar will focus on capacity for the prevention of family violence, and present WHO’s recently developed comprehensive training packages on the prevention of child maltreatment and the  prevention of intimate partner and sexual violence.

Berit Kieselbach, Chris Mikton, and Alex Butchart all work in the Department of Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability at WHO headquarters in Geneva. Berit provides technical support and training in the development, implementation and evaluation of national and regional policies and programmes for preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women and supports the development of a guideline on youth violence. Christopher Mikton’s work focuses on the prevention of child maltreatment and intimate partner and sexual violence; maintaining the Violence Prevention Alliance secretariat; coordinating the Global Status Report on Violence Prevention; and compiling evidence of the effectiveness of violence prevention programmes. Alex Butchart is Coordinator for all violence prevention activities.

Chair: Dr David Meddings, Department of Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability, World Health Organ