It was a pretty difficult news weekend; I tried to force myself to read more than just coverage of the Aurora shootings. As it turns out, there were some pretty insightful pieces written on Aurora, mainly on the need for gun control. I’ve included the best of what I read, along with a few other interesting articles and blog posts since last we spoke (and if nothing else, please read the last piece to which I linked–it’s pure happiness):
Assault: Children With Disabilities Are More Likely to Be Victims of Violence, Analysis Shows (NY Times)
HHS: Hospitals ignoring requirements to report errors (USA Today)
Two New Domestic Violence PSAs Shed Light on an Often Hidden Epidemic (Fem2.0)
Don’t Get Sick in July (NY Times)
Surfing the Rape Wave: What Tosh Teaches About Humor, Power and Privilege (Fem2.0)
Why 6-Year-Old Girls Want to Be Sexy (NBCNews)
Subcommittee Urges VA to Update Military Sexual Trauma Adjudication Regulations (Invisible No More)
Sexual assault victim’s tweets about attackers prompt contempt case against Louisville’s Savannah Dietrich (Courier Journal)
For some, ethics are a moving target (Globe and Mail)
There’s been an abundance of news related to the Aurora shootings. Some of the best of what I’ve read follows (because I’m a big believer in gun control; if you aren’t feel free to skip these):
The Template of Our Grief (The Atlantic)
On the Tragic Shooting in Aurora, Colorado (Mike Bloomberg)
We’ve Seen This Movie Before (NY Times)
One More Massacre (The New Yorker)
And for something on a much happier note, check out this lovely wedding announcement—the bride is someone I had the pleasure of hearing speak once at a conference several years ago.
One reply on “Since Last We Spoke, 7-23-12”
Thanka for ending with the article of Ms. Kelly’s joyous day. Her story brings home the message of how tenacious hope and the human spirit are….how even in the midst of mind-numbing violence we have faith that tomorrow will come…. and can be beautiful.
a much needed message for many of us this week.