
Use of FHO Original Material

Today while searching for something online, I discovered material of mine that had been passed off as someone else’s. It came from one of my older clinical guides, and I have addressed it with the individual in question. However, it makes me sad that I even have to say this: you are welcome to use anything of mine on the site, but only with appropriate attribution. If you look on the Clinical Guides page (location of most of the material requested by readers) or at the bottom of every individual post, you’ll find this:

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. (This means you can copy my work as you please and send it to everyone you know, but you can’t alter it, make money off of it, or claim it as your own.) 

Anyone who knows me knows that I will share everything I have. All I ask is that you attribute the material appropriately. I don’t get paid for this site; I have amassed this body of work as a service to the profession and the patients we serve. You are welcome to use anything I create for trainings, newsletters, etc., but please make mention of FHO and add a link to the site. That way I can continue to provide word docs that are alterable and I don’t have to © everything on the site.

Passing off someone else’s work as your own is a dick move. Just don’t do it.

One reply on “Use of FHO Original Material”

Amen. I agree. You do a great service to those of us who work the front line – it helps me a lot in my practice. Thanks.

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