Elder Abuse/Neglect

Medical Aspects of Elder Abuse

I’m such a big fan of science–but of course, you know this. I will always post resources and tools that are grounded in solid science. That is, science that’s been shown to be valid and reliable. Science I cite when I teach and when I testify.

I received a question about differentiating between normal aging and abuse; naturally, the best place in my mind to go for good science and solid clinical practice on this topic is Dr. Laura Mosqueda and the Center for Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect. You can find archived webinars on their site, but NCALL also has a recent one by Dr. Mosqueda over on their site: Medical Aspects of Elder Abuse (both webcast and PDF of slides are available).

BTW, full text availability of two of their research studies on bruising are available through the Center’s site, here and here (PDF). Read them–really.

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