Sexual Assault

Forensic Nurses in Swaziland

Two of IAFN’s members (including Board Secretary Kim Nash) are heading to Swaziland to work with local clinicians caring for pediatric sexual assault patients. It’s an amazing opportunity and I am excited to hear about their travels and what they learn while they’re there. And lucky us, they’ve decided to blog about their experiences, so now we can follow along.

To read about their travels and the work they will be doing while in Swaziland bookmark their blog site: They’ve already started blogging about their preparations–they leave September 3rd and will be gone 8 weeks. Safe travels to you both!

This will be a short work week for me–I am taking a long weekend with my partner in Chicago (100% vacation) for the Labor Day holiday. For those of you who will also have the holiday weekend, hope it’s a happy and peaceful one (and for those of you who don’t have the holiday weekend, a happy and peaceful regular weekend to you). See you back here Tuesday, September 4th.

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