
A very merry…

I am going to take the next few days off to finish up last-minute wedding details, bake for the holidays and just generally enjoy friends and family. I will be back on the 26th with fresh content and news from my corner of the globe. Until then, here’s wishing all who celebrate it a very merry Christmas. I hope all of my FHO readers will share good food, good company and good stories with the people you love over the coming days, as we will here in DC. See you next week!

4 replies on “A very merry…”

Congratulations on the upcoming wedding. Enjoy your days off, you deserve the time with friends and family.

Congratulations and all the best Jen.
and many thanks for your wisdom and all the information you have provided over the year. It has been valuable to my work. Enjoy your rest, you deserve it.
Kind regards

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