
Since Last We Spoke, 2-18-13

I am heading to Sydney today, and while I am hoping to keep posts fairly regular for the week, please bear with me. My intention is also to tweet from the conference where I am able, so look for that, as well. This weekend my kiddo was in town, so it was mostly play time for me (with some packing going on). That didn’t leave a ton of time for reading, but here are a few things that have caught my eye since last we spoke. You may find the NY Times article on strangulation prosecution of particular interest.

Relax! You’ll Be More Productive (NY Times)

What matters (Feministing)

The Rise of the Non-Physician Expert (The Health Care Blog)

Op-ed: The new abolitionist movement (PennLive)

A New Crime, but Convictions Are Elusive (NY Times)



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