The National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence (Futures Without Violence) has a webinar coming up March 25th from 10-11:30 PDT, A Survivor’s Journey: Understanding the Health Impact of Abuse and Paths to Wellness. The presenter, Olga Trujillo, is someone I like very much and it’s always great hearing her speak, so I would just go ahead and register for this one, especially if you missed her in Puerto Rico last year at the IAFN Annual Scientific Assembly (she was one of our keynotes). It’s sure to be a good use of your time.
From the announcement:
This webinar will explore the health impact of abuse from the experience of one survivor of violence, and discover how she learned to become proactive in her healthcare. This webinar is targeted to domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA) advocates and healthcare providers.
Participants will learn about:
1) The impact that psychological trauma can have on a survivor’s ability to actively care for her health and wellness.
2) The role of advocates and other survivor-focused programs, such as free dental and reconstructive surgery programs, to help improve the healing and wellness of survivors of violence.