NCVLI is hosting a webinar March 27th from 12-1:30 pm PT: The Hurdles Victims of Human Trafficking Face. The session is part of their Protecting Polyvictims Rights Project.
From the site:
A polyvictim is someone who has been victimized multiple times through different crimes over the course of his or her lifetime. Mounting evidence shows that polyvictimization occurs at alarming rates, especially within certain victim populations. Among those most commonly victimized multiple times are victims of human trafficking, who often suffer multiple crimes that go unrecognized and unprosecuted. This results in a unique set of hurdles and needs as these victims access justice and services to support healing.
Join attorneys from NCVLI and the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) for a webinar entitled The Hurdles Victims of Human Trafficking Face. This presentation explores why trafficking victims are more likely to be victimized multiple times; the unique obstacles that victims of trafficking face in accessing justice and preventing future victimizations; and suggests some strategies for overcoming these hurdles, providing holistic services that address all of the traumas endured by these victims, and obtaining the rights these victims deserve.
This webinar is part of the Protecting Polyvictims’ Rights Project Webinar Series, funded by the Office for Victims of Crime.
Register for the webinar here.