A quick post to wish everyone a happy Nurses Day (in the US, or International Nurses Day, which is Sunday–you pick). I’m heading out the door to SoCal for a couple different stops with the Marines (1st defense, then prosecution, so should be a lively week), but I managed to get a little reading done during my brief stop at home. Here’s what’s caught my attention since last we spoke:
The U.S. Nursing Workforce: Trends in Supply and Education (HRSA)
Rape, Betrayal, and Reclaiming Title IX (Huffington Post)
Suffer the Children, Suffer the Country (Project Syndicate)
The Business of Peace (Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs)
Artist makes portraits from DNA found in chewing gum and cigarettes (io9)
10 Reasons Why the Obama Administration Is Wrong on Emergency Contraception (RH Reality Check)
Participation in Team Sports May Stop Girls from Becoming Mean Bullies (Jezebel)
An Open Letter to Eve Ensler (Life Returned)