The Sexual Assault Report (disclosure: I am on the editorial board) has made public the recent article by Nancy Ritter from the National Institute of Justice, Untested Evidence in Sexual Assault Cases: Using Research to Guide Policy and Practice (PDF).
From the NIJ announcement:
News from NIJ: Sexual Assault Kit Backlogs—What Exactly Are the Issues?
Find out some of the real, underlying issues behind why so many sexual assault kits go untested in this highly readable article by NIJ’s Nancy Ritter.
Should we test every kit, even ones that are 25 years old? Or should we prioritize them? How do we decide? What about cases in which the alleged perpetrator is already known? Is there value in testing those?
In her straightforward, plain-talking style, Ritter explores some of the consequences of how we answer these questions. She explains where the weak spots are in collecting, storing, and testing kits; why the police might not send sexual assault kits to be tested; and what early evidence is showing about complex issues such as victim notification.
Everyone concerned about untested sexual assault kits should read this excellent overview of the issues.