
Nonfatal Domestic Violence 2003-2012

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, the US Department of Justice has newly published statistics on nonfatal domestic violence (PDF). Not surprisingly, intimate partner violence accounted for the greatest proportion of domestic violence reported, and in total accounted for 15% of all violent victimization during this time period. However, domestic violence victimizations are down overall from 1994, and intimate partner violence decreased between 1994 and 2012 at a rate greater than violence committed by other family members. Click through for some more of the relevant highlights:

Once again, more than 3/4ths of the domestic violence occurred against women. In fact, 65% of serious violence committed against women occurred at the hands of someone known to the victim (as opposed to men, whose serious violence, more than half the time, was at the hands of a stranger).

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From a medical standpoint, 45% of domestic violence resulted in injury; IPV resulted in greater injury than violence by family members. Of the IPV victims who were injured, more than a third sought some type of medical care–less than victims of violence by family members.

Again, not a surprise–only a little more than half of domestic violence was reported to police.

Read the full report here.

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