DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 9-8-14

I woke up this morning at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington, very far from home and decidedly still on east coast time. I’ll be here for a hot minute before I move on to Billings, MT where we are rolling out a brand new IPV curriculum (super excited about that), so this week is a long one. I will attempt regular posts, but forgive me if they’re a bit light this week. You just never know how a new course will go. This weekend consisted of a lot of prep, but there was still plenty of distraction–here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Seriously, Kansas?

Options for post-assault care (Thanks, Kim!)

Physicians and suicide

What do police learn about use of force?

Yes means yes (also: this book, because they were saying this awhile ago)

New MMWR worth mentioning

Changing the world, one girl at a time

Another serious health issue for refugee women

What we don’t talk about when we talk about gun violence

See: having kids does help your career (oh, wait…)

Legal issues you should know (we’re discussing #10 at the IAFN conference)

Horrifying, but how many of us have seen similar scenarios in our own practices?

Preventing DV homicide

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