Child Abuse DV/IPV

Exposure to Violence and a Child’s Developing Brain

Yesterday in class one of our participants mentioned this video, produced by the California Attorney General’s Office, as we were discussing the impact of domestic violence on children. I hadn’t seen it, but obviously I went right out and found it as soon as we were done. A good resource to bookmark for future education sessions, staff meetings, etc.

One reply on “Exposure to Violence and a Child’s Developing Brain”

I have used the “First Impressions” video for the last year in domestic violence intervention in my Public Health Nurses mandatory orientation session and clips of it during refresher training at our local pediatric hospital emergency department. Video always well received and impactful. Staff glean an understanding that exposure to abuse is not always about the ‘bumps, bruises or bleeding’. Highly recommend it!

Alberta Health Services
DV Program Coordinator/Instructor

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