The CDC has released the 2013 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Survey. This is pretty much a must-read if you’re caring for sexual assault patients and others who need to be screened, tested, and/or prophylaxed for STDs. One size definitely does not fit all, so understanding issues like increasing prevalence of certain diseases and updated recommendations for screening are critical. You can read the full report here (PDF) or check out the fact sheet (a good handout for discussion at your next staff meeting) here (PDF).
3 replies on “2013 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance”
Thanks for posting, there are differences between Canada and the US but enjoy seeing USA trends.
[…] The 2013 CDC surveillance data also underscores public health concerns about the growing possibility of antibiotic-resistant strains of gonorrhea and complications stemming from other STDs such as HPV and genital herpes. In an effort to reduce HIV …The 2013 CDC surveillance data also underscores public health concerns about the growing possibility…sp;… […]
[…] The 2013 CDC surveillance data also underscores public health concerns about the growing possibility of antibiotic-resistant strains of gonorrhea and complications stemming from other STDs such as HPV and genital herpes. In an effort to reduce HIV …The 2013 CDC surveillance data also underscores public health concerns about the growing possibility…sp;… […]