Heading down to Maxwell AFB this week for some quality time a hot minute with the JAGs. In the thick of major projects here with the Army so probably best I’m not away too long. I came home from the NAC to a very quiet house–no kid, no spouse, no pup, so plenty of time to surf. Here’s what caught my eye before my house filled right back up again:
Self-compassion–what a concept
A skill every traveler should master. (BTW, I haven’t.)
On the fence about this one
So many concerns raised by this case
The APA and torture (the role of their ethics office is just one confounding aspect of the article)
Have you seen this yet? I haven’t, but hope to soon.
These stories are nausea-inducing and they just keep coming
I can’t believe this was a study
Reading about: the sexual abuse to prison pipeline (PDF)