Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Thermal Injuries

I teach thermal injuries as a part of IPV training–It’s often not part of basic injury assessment and documentation education for forensic nurses for some reason, but it’s a not uncommon mechanism of injury in domestic violence (and in child and elder abuse). We probably should be spending more time on the issue, so if you haven’t had much related to thermal injuries, here’s a possible idea for a CE program.

Medscape has a new slide deck on thermal injuries that’s a good overview, perfect for self-study (it includes a few gruesome photos, so have some situational awareness as to where you view it). Additionally, if you’re looking for more easily accessible resources, I’d refer you to a few other articles they’ve published on the topic. As with all Medscape offerings, they’re free with site registration. {ED: If you click on the link, it’ll take you to my log-in apparently. I don’t know how to get around that. Just click the link that says you aren’t me, and it’ll give you the opportunity to put in your own log-in or create your own account if you’re new. Sorry for the hassle.}

Thermal Burns

Chemical Burns

Electrical Burns

Initial Evaluation and Management of the Burn Patient

Thermal Injury Management

Emergent Management of Thermal Burns

Ocular Burns Treatment and Management

2 replies on “Thermal Injuries”

clicking o “new slide deck …” brings me to your login page for Medscape. Can you re-direct me? thanks

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