Sexual Assault

Recommendations for the Collection of Forensic Specimens from Complainants and Suspects

I’m working on this very issue right now here in the US, so I was very interested in reviewing the UK’s latest recommendations for the collection of forensic specimens from complainants and suspects (PDF), published last week by the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians. Additionally, if you go to their Publications page, you’ll find new guidance on labelling, operational procedures, and equipment, plus a new fact sheet for patients about follow-up care and other post-exam information (and not for nothing, but I noticed they are offering copper IUDs as one of their options for EC). Overall, I think there are more similarities than differences in the approaches between the US and the UK. Either way, fascinating and informative (there are a ton of links to follow in the specimen collection doc, for instance), and not just for our UK readers.

3 replies on “Recommendations for the Collection of Forensic Specimens from Complainants and Suspects”

Interesting document Jen. Are you working with a group to develop suspect collection guidelines?

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