Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 3-7-16

Bear with me, FHO readers, because these next couple weeks are rather hectic, so I will do what I can to keep things regular here on the site. An editing meeting for a project today, and then a brand new course starting Tuesday (a 3-day workshop on honing presentation skills) mean this week is pretty full. I worked most of the weekend in preparation for what’s coming up, so I didn’t spend much time just surfing. But there were still a few things that caught my here–here’s the run down of what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

One of the weirder consent campaigns, I confess. Curious what you think (potentially NSFW)

I had all the LOLs with this (because it’s so true)

On saying no (professionally, I mean)

Speaking out on human trafficking

A little humor this morning on medical terminology

Self-care: an interactive flow chart

WHO’s post-assault infographic

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