We were focused on the social this weekend–catching up with friends and planning a get-together for Tuesday evening (not to mention planning the menu for our first Seder later this month). Yesterday had its lazy moments, though, and for the first time in a long time, we sat in front of our fireplace (because it’s *snowed* this weekend) and read the NYT cover to cover. Divine. Plenty of good reads, so here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:
I would hang several of these in my house
As a freelancer who has been stiffed on several occasions (I’m looking at you, Indiana), this certainly resonated
Also as a freelancer, I can totally get behind this code of honor (language)
Several of you posted this
…and this (so, so good)
Healthcare disparities
Other kinds of disparities, as well
All of this makes my head and heart hurt
Insert giant eye roll here
With all of the repugnant legislation cropping up around the US, now seems like a good time for a brief guide on language