DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 4-18-16

If we are going to be totally honest with one another, last week was a crap one. I was glad for it all to be done, and my hope is that this week brings good better news (I won’t be greedy). I’m heading back on the road tomorrow: to FLETC for the Air Force, then on to CLE to spend time with my family. Over the weekend I had a wiled away a few early morning hours surfing; here’s what caught my eye since last we spoke:

Other people’s problems

The stories we don’t tell

Just tell them you want your money back

Male politicians should just stop talking about rape (except the VP, of course)

This was a pretty compelling read

Speaking of which

Nurses can get pretty stressed out

This didn’t help my mood over the weekend

A list I can get behind (language)

This was a fabulous read the 1st time I posted it, and now the authors have a Pulitzer to show for it.

Listening to old women

Even the trailer will give you chills

New pub to add to your stack– Breaking the Cycle of Intimate Partner Violence: Understanding Why Victims Don’t Leave and Implications for Advocates and the Criminal Justice System (PDF)

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