
Since Last We Spoke, 11-14-16

I’m in Norfolk, VA this week with the Navy, and my schedule will be a bit unpredictable, so please bear with me as I try to get posts up. Some weeks I”m better at planning ahead than others–what can I say.

I had a really fantastic workshop on Friday with the Indiana IAFN chapter and it got me thinking quite a bit about how spiritually fulfilling it is to come together as a likeminded group and just get to talk about this work we love. I really needed that, so thanks to all of you who brought me to Indianapolis, and who made the day so lively and thought provoking.

Yesterday was a travel and work day for me, so I haven’t spent much time online (not to mention I find my feeds to be depressing and scary right now with the US election). But here’s a little of what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:

Productive conversations during difficult times

A new app to report assaults

Ah, the office control freak

Feel like you need to contribute (more) in the wake of the election? Here are some charities helping to ensure everyone’s safety and equality. (I just set up a small monthly to donation myself.) Or try this list.

Interesting look at the impact of electing Trump on business leadership

A (tiny) bright spot in the election

New approach to families of suspects killed by police

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