New from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the report Crimes Against Persons with Disabilities, 2009-2014 (PDF). The one-page summary is also available for download. From the press release:
Crime Against Persons with Disabilities, 2009–2014 – Statistical Tables (NCJ 250200) is now available on This report presents estimates of nonfatal violent crime (rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault) against persons age 12 or older with disabilities. It compares the victimization of persons with and without disabilities living in noninstitutionalized households, including distributions by—
- age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin
- disability type (hearing, vision, cognitive, ambulatory, self-care, or independent living)
- victim-offender relationship
- time of crime
- reporting to police
- use of victim services agencies.
Findings were based on data from BJS’s National Crime Victimization Survey from 2009 to 2014, which were combined with data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey to generate victimization rates.