Oh, hey, a last minute resolution to my trial this week means I’m unexpectedly at home. It’s like a snow day, but without the paycheck snow. Since I didn’t have to get on a plane on Saturday, it left me some time to goof off, and plenty of time to surf the interwebs. Here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:
I feel like this should be helpful for Leadership/Lobby Days (in all seriousness, have you registered yet?)
Buzzfeed did a nice job profiling the ED of SurvJustice
More and more, online exploitation
Every time someone recognizes sexual assault as the public health issue it is, I do a little happy dance
I feel so sad for this family–I hope it was cathartic
A terrific mini-interview with Dr. Willie Parker about his particular journey. (Apropos of not much–we listen to the same podcasts.)
Trump’s travel ban and its impact on human trafficking
Speaking of crap things happening with this administration…(also can we spend a second talking about how “women’s” mags like Cosmo and Teen Vogue are killing it in the political realm right now?)
Finally, this is so spectacularly NOT suitable for work (or people who don’t appreciate cussing); I laughed out loud reading it.