
Revictimization After Adolescent Dating Violence

There’s an interesting new study looking at the rates of revictimization for adults who experienced teen dating violence. The study, Revictimization After Adolescent Dating Violence in a Matched, National Sample of Youth, found that “…heterosexual victims of teen dating violence were significantly more likely to be re-victimized five years later compared to their non-victim counterparts with other similar risk factors. Those who were victims again, by the five-year mark, were also more likely to be re-victimized by romantic partners 12 years later.” (source)

Anytime you entertain the idea that forensic healthcare is limited to response and has no place in the prevention world, or you think to yourself, prevention work is for other folks, read studies like this that really drive home how important it is that we all are reaching beyond documenting injuries. Prevention is a key pillar in all aspects of healthcare, ours included.

Read more about the study over at the Washington Post.