
Since Last We Spoke, 5-1-17

So that whole full week at home for the first time since mid-February stuff that I mentioned last week? Yeah, that didn’t happen. Unexpectedly found myself on a tiny commuter plane with literally no notice on Thursday (seriously–got the call, plane was leaving in 2 hours and I was still in pajamas). So that meant I ended up working all weekend. But I’m home now; not entirely certain what life looks like *this* week (may have some work for the military, may not), but no matter what, I’m home. Speaking of travel, I’ve got a few gigs coming up over the next 5 weeks, and I’m hoping I’ll see some of you there–I’ll be in Tennessee next week (the 9th, with the super smart and hilarious Leslie Hagan) talking testimony, and I’m coming to Kansas June 5th for an advanced SANE day that focuses on a few different things. Looking forward to both. In the meantime, let’s talk about what I’ve been reading as of late, shall we? Here’s what’s caught my eye since last we spoke:

Several of you posted this piece about ERs (much could be applied to forensic programs, too)

No surprise, this

Emergency contraception, still not a guarantee for sexual assault patients

Outing a sexual harasser

This was a lovely read

An alternative to reading about the first 100 days

Thoroughly enjoyed watching this

The realities of climbing out of poverty

I was an English major, so yeah

Always nice to see one of our own rise to the top

Finally, a little humor for your Monday morning