Vera’s Center on Victimization and Safety has a webinar coming up, Mandated Reporting Obligations When a Survivor Has a Disability. The session will be held October 17th at 2pm ET. Unfortunately, I cannot find any additional info on this one, other than what’s on the registration page (a search of their website using the exact title of the webinar produces nothing [insert frowny face here]). However, I include this one on the site because it is a critical issue in the work we do, and so I encourage people to consider this one for your to-do list. I’ll be out of the country the week it’s held, but I hope someone will let me know how it was (because–and I know someone will ask– I also don’t know if they will archive it). If I receive additional intel I will add it to this post.
Mandated Reporting Obligations When a Survivor Has a Disability