In this current political climate, with many threats to individual health and well-being essentially sanctioned as national policy, it seems appropriate to post this newly published article in Women’s Health Issues, The Risk of Remaining Silent: Addressing the Current Threats to Women’s Health (PDF). While not directly related to violence, the article addresses many issues that our patients (and many of us as healthcare consumers) face. It would be short-sighted to think we can take care of the immediate violence in our patients lives, and not have to consider access to essential services patients might need in the aftermath (such as contraception and abortion services) and over their lifetimes (such as healthcare coverage for the types of chronic health issues that increase following violence). It’s brief–only 4 pages–and it’s written by smart people who know of what they speak.
Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here.