
Since Last We Spoke, 2-26-18

Sorry I disappeared last week–I was in Germany, and well, my time was not my own, so something had to give and it was FHO. But I’m back, in town for the whole week, and ready to make the slog to catch up on everything that got dropped while I was away. So let’s get right to it:

I’ve been asked to remind folks that IAFN is seeking nominations for the full slate of awards. Got someone you think is doing amazing work in forensic nursing? Make it happen!

The boys are not all right

And another related NYT op-ed that’s worth the time

Also related: notes from a radiologist

Fascinating take: the (lack of) neutrality in science


Immigration is a healthcare issue.

A profoundly powerful piece on bullying and the hope of retribution

There’s so much heartbreak in this, but it’s worth the listen:

For all of you who have ever completed a grant application, this is for you.

And finally, I really want to encourage you to come to DC for Leadership and Lobby Days, April 16 & 17. Being on the Hill is one of the most satisfying things I have been able to do, and this year’s Leadership Day focus is particularly good for those of you who are managers or aspiring managers. It’s a great opportunity to network in a smaller group setting, meet your legislators face to face, and focus on issues not usually covered at the fall conference. Registration ends March 16th, so please spread the word. The more forensic nurses on the Hill, the greater the impact. Plus, DC in the spring? Outstanding.


Our first offering in the FHO store, Injury Following Consensual Sex is now available. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can find it here