
Medical-Forensic Evaluation of Asylum Seekers: Legal Framework for Immigrant Victims & Introduction to the Istanbul Protocol

IAFN is offering a special 5-part series for members only on medical-forensic evaluation of asylum seekers (such a great topic). The 1st part of the series will be held on November 15th at 1pm: Legal Framework for Immigrant Victims & Introduction to the Istanbul Protocol. All sessions will be archived for later review.

Remaining webinars will take place in 2019 (again, these topics!):

  • The Clinical Interview & Considerations for Vulnerable Populations
  • Medical Forensic Exam & Utilizing the Istanbul Protocol
  • Specific Forms of Torture & Corresponding Clinical Findings
  • Writing a Medical-Legal Affidavit & Providing Oral Testimony

Register here (please note: the live session is limited to 200 people so don’t procrastinate if you want to attend).

The benefits of belonging to your professional organization, my friends…


Have you checked out the FHO store lately? You can find our newest research brief, Aging Bruises Based On Color, plus our original guide, Injury Following Consensual Sex. Both available now for electronic download.