Articles of Note Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault Testimony

Articles of Note July 2024 Edition

Greetings from my dining room table. I am just back from Tampa and on my way to Alaska. You’d think this would be the season when things would get slower, but they do not, so I am happy to have two entire days in my office before I am gone again. Lots to get done in that time, so let’s not waste any with nonsense–it’s time once again for Articles of Note. If you’re new here (and there is a sharp uptick in subscribers over the last month–welcome!) that’s our monthly romp through the recently published peer-reviewed literature. Note a heavy emphasis on pediatric content this month. No reason–just what came across my desk. As always, most links lead to PubMed abstracts unless otherwise noted.

Something else to mention: IAFN’s annual conference in Denver is coming up next month. I will be there, presenting a couple of fun sessions and moderating a general session panel. I hope to see you. If you haven’t registered yet, there is, of course, still time. We’re earlier this year, so take note of that.

Happy reading–see you back here next month.


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