
Stalking in the Workplace

OVC’s next web forum is on stalking in the workplace. The actual forum will be January 19th from 2-3pm ET, but you can submit questions ahead of time, and/or visit the site after the fact and read the responses to questions from other participants.

Rebecca Dreke and Michael Proctor will be the featured presenters. Ms. Dreke is a Senior Program Associate with the Stalking Resource Center at the National Center for Victims of Crime. She has trained law enforcement officials, prosecutors, victim service providers, and other professionals nationally on domestic violence; hate- and bias-motivated violence; and all aspects of stalking, including the use of technology to stalk, campus stalking, and stalking and sexual assault. Mr. Proctor is a nationally recognized expert in the field of stalking and stalking investigation. He consults throughout the United States and abroad on the topics of stalking, stalking investigation, and the development of anti-stalking legislation and programs. Mr. Proctor has investigated and consulted on more than 200 stalking cases; developed a stalking protocol that is in use by police departments; and has authored several publications, including How to Stop a Stalker, a guide to better understanding the stalking phenomenon.