
Proposed Changes to the DSM

The APA has posted proposed revisions to the DSM that might be of interest. Comments can be submitted until April 20th should you be so inclined (the DSM-V is due to be published in 2013). Rewriting the DSM has not been without controversy, thus far.

Read more about the various concerns:

The Politics of Disease Definition: A Summer of DSM-V Controversy in Review

DSMV Controversy

Bitterness, Compulsive Shopping and Internet Addiction: The Diagnostic Madness of the DSM-V

Documenting the DSM-V and GID Controversy

Concerns Voiced Over Secrecy Surrounding DSM-V

And although not really about controversy so much as content,  today on NPR’s Talk of The Nation: Children Labeled Bipolar May Get a New Diagnosis

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