Sexual Assault

Forensic Compliance Self-Assessment

Don’t forget: you have until Wednesday, March 3rd to enter our newest giveaway. Just leave your response to the question in the Comment section to be eligible.

I’m back from vacation and we have a full week of posts to get to (they’ve been stacking up in my mailbox while I’ve been on the road). Let’s start the week with EVAW‘s Forensic Compliance Self-Assessment (DOC). They’ve made this tool available on their website, and if you’re interested in looking at your own program’s compliance, this is a great place to start.

The assessment tool looks at issues such as:

  1. Forensic examinations conducted without a report to law enforcement
  2. Mandated reporting requirements
  3. Information provided to victims regarding their reporting options
  4. Procedures for documentation, records storage, and case tracking
  5. Evidence processing, destruction, and victim notification
  6. Anonymous reporting procedures

If you haven’t checked out their Forensic Compliance TA site, it’s worth a perusal. Their resource page alone is worth the trip.

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