Child Abuse Sexual Assault

New Giveaway!


After a brief hiatus, we are back with a new giveaway from our friends at STM Learning. This is a good one, folks–perfect for augmenting your library, assisting other members of your SART or MDT, or as a gift for a deserving team member.  Find out how to enter after the jump…

The winner of this month’s giveaway will receive a free copy of STM Learning’s Medical Response to Child Sexual Abuse: A Resource for Professionals Working with Children and Families (an $85 value). Employing over 600 photographic references and a supplementary CD-ROM, this text examines the technical and practical elements of working with abused, assaulted, or exploited children. Answer the following question, and you could be this month’s lucky recipient:

STM Learning plans to make its content available as e-books, and would like to hear from Forensic Healthcare Online’s readers: When using an e-book, do you tend to focus more on its text or images? And in what ways could e-books be improved upon—made more user-friendly and easier to navigate?

Please leave your answer in the Comments section and one reader will be chosen by random. You have until Friday, May 6th at Noon ET to enter.

46 replies on “New Giveaway!”

I would like to see a book written in a systems format. Example if on child abuse I would like to see the chapter flow: Skin, eyes, nervous system etc. That way you could locate specfic findings easily.


We have a brand new SANE program at our hospital. I think this book would make a great refrence for our nurses and an anwesome start to our library.

Both pictures and text are important. I think specific topic indexing at the beginning and/end of book would enhancing the ability to find the information of interest. ALso having hyperlinks within the specific topic information that lead to other related specifics detailing that specific topic (pictures, definitions, etc) in other places within the book would be helpful. I tend to spend a lot of time searching for information so the hyperlinks to the exact information in the book would save time of searching for the answers to questions…THANKS!

We would use both pictures and text. Would like more indexing of text so we could quickly find specific information, with links to related information.

We use both text and pictures, the pictures are a nice quick reference. Placing a link in the text that connects to the photo reference would be a nice feature.

Using hyperlinks for definitions,other photos,treatment and related topics would be helpful. I didn’t grow up reading on the computer and sometimes find it challenging! I think having the ability to print written sections without the pictures,references etc, (just the core content of the section to save paper)to read, underline etc would be really helpful.

Photos alongside text is a good way for me to learn, without having to flip all over the place for different links.

I would like to have links built into the text and links to photos or graphs would also be useful. The links could take you to a specific location or photo within the book or to a particular website etc

Text and photos are both important for different types of learners. Being able to show a photograph to support facts or an idea can be crucial. Quick links are helpful as is indexing for easier less wasted time during research.

Text and photos equally important especially if the article is of a clinical nature. A direct link from text to image would help navigation.

Electronic books are both useful and challenging. I have always been a person that needed to highlight so having a hard copy was always my favorite.Photographs are always helpful in demonstrating the main points of the text and I personally have always been a visual learner versus just learning from the concept.

Both text and images have great value for the individual reader but my use of electronic media as an educator leans heavily toward the use of images in group settings. I find the use of text combined with images most helpful for individual learning assignments. I do like the idea of links from text to images or graphics of any kind so that the user can toggle back and forth, or side by side formatting so that images, graphics are illustrative of the points made in the linked or adjacent text.

Our program could utilize both the images and text.Our program’s SANEs that perform Peds exams do not have the volume some of the larger facilities do ,they can always benefit from viewing as many images with the correlating text.this would be a wonderful reference.I like the idea of link to picture right in the text.

Picture are essential but have much less value without text. A context is required in order to make sense of the photographs. Links to treatment/prevention and normals would also be useful. Our program would love to have this text as a resource!! The potential for ebooks is exciting.

I tend to focus on text mostly. I think that better quality color images would make ebooks better. I like the idea of hyperlinks and additional resources such as websites being included. Our ED would love to utilize this text!

I am trying to move forward and read more on-line. At times, this is a challenge I still like the feel of a book in my hands. Pediatric sane cases are usually a challenge as very few are alike. I enjoy the pictures and text, appreicate the links.

There are so few opportunities to access photographs that depict the particular topic being discussed in any book. I really appreciate books with good clinical photographs by competent and knowledgeable authors. 10 years ago, I would have wanted a “hard copy” too, now I feel much differently and welcome any source of information.

I rely on pictures for the initial look for what I am reasearching and then I go to the text associated with the picture. In this field I tend to go to the books to confirm or discredit something that I have come across. With pictures it allows me to focus more closely to the subject I am looking for and then I rely on the text for that area to give me the needed information and references needed.The more photos (color) the better.

We utilize both text and images as resources. A user friendly index would be fabulous and save valuable time. This book would be an excellent resource for my staff as we service children and families everyday through our program.

This would be an awesome tool for my SANE’s and continuing education. We are always looking for new, updated resourses.

I am sort of an old school dork and do not yet use an ebook. That said I think that once I do (and I usually do come around to these things eventually) I will probably prefer text AND images. Both are helpful. Easy hyperlinks are helpful. Easy to use table of contents will be important.

Both text and images are good if they can be linked and referenced. When you can look at images and text similtaneously it often makes things easier to understand. It is also helpful if you have some questions, as these can often be answered by looking at images. This can lead to problem solving with other staff and also education for staff.

I prefer text as well as images. Of importance is a user-friendly index and contents page. What an awesome resource to have available for our SANE continuing education and reference.

I tend to focus more on images then text. I am more of a visual learner. The program I work for does not see the same number of peds patients as a larger program may, so it is helpful to have a reference showing many different images. Having a link to the text with the image would be helpful.

I have a Nook Color and LOVE it! I chose the color because I am a visual person/learner, but I think both the text and pictures are important. I am divided as to whether a hyperlink could be provided, or an image should be placed directly in the text: either way would certainly enhance text.

To improve? The Nook Color is a touchscreen, but sometimes I would love to have just a simple button to turn the page. Also, an index that is readily available to look up different subjects/images quickly would be very helpful.

Images and text are equally important. I would most like to have a search feature that allows me to select key terms to be searched within the text.

I think both text and pictures are important. An easy way to search specific topics would be great!

I think images and text are both essential. The images could have a magnifying glass to look closer at parts. Links to references and resources from text and image. Images usable in classroom presentation at the local level. This will help to standardize the knowledge of this field of nursing.

I find both pictures and text helpful. Additional links and search features are nice to have as well.

I like the pictures and especially if they are able to convey information with a short story. Click on them and they relay information or content. Text is almost required but a picture says a thousand words.

Color images with associated text that can be read in any light and with comprehensive indexing is key to a well rounded reference tool. Excellent references that can be hyper-linked online would be a plus as well.Additional material that includes state laws and or resources would be ideal.

I primarily use the text, however color images are just as important. An excellent interactive table of contents/index would be ideal.

I utilize both text and images. A link would be necessary to tie the two together. A well organized index and content list should enable the reader to go to the specific area they are looking for.

i think of e books as being much more about text than pictures, unless its a color reader, (i only have read ebooks that are black & white)then my eye would be drawn more to pictures. ebooks could be so much better if they were written in a way that makes the most of electornic formating, so i can more effortlessly move from section to section but without feeling like im reading a website-make it a smoother transition between blocks of text, and easier to get back to my last clicking point. i wish Apple would make e-books- maybe they’d come up with a more user-friendly interface, OR STm could just imagine they’re Steve Jobs (without the snotty attitude) and rethink ebooks layout and structure and potential. I’m not smart enough for that- i just have a feeling e-books will be WAY better in ten years when someone figures it out more. not that they’re bad NOW -they have so much potential to be better.

I like the photos to be along side the text they refer to. I have never read a book on line so I dont have any other suggestions!

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