I love this: Wednesday, October 19th, at 3pm ET NRCDV and VAWnet are hosting a healthy relationship Twitter Town Hall (PDF). Many of us will be in Montreal for the Scientific Assembly, but it would be great to see IAFN members take part in this event. Not sure how this even works? More info after the jump…
From the announcement:
Why this topic?
At this year’s DELTA Grantee Meeting in Atlanta (hosted by the CDC), participants were talking about promoting healthy relationships among youth. The discussion moved to the common challenge we all face in our prevention work with youth – how can we talk about “healthy relationships” in a way that is accessible and relatable? This 30 minute Twitter Town Hall event creates an opportunity to continue this discussion! Please join us.
Twitter? Oh, my.
If you’re unfamiliar with Twitter, perhaps this is the perfect reason to check it out. Simply go to twitter.com and set up an account. For a helpful infographic and detailed slideshow on How to Use Twitter, visit http://bit.ly/lpdFW6. There are many domestic violence organizations on Twitter who you can follow. See the following page for recommendations to start building your network. To participate in this Twitter Town Hall, log in to twitter.com at the date and time above, and do a search for #reachyouth. You’ll be able to tweet your comments by adding this hash tag (or #) to your posts. For additional support or questions related to this event, contact Kenya Fairley (NRCDV) at kmf@pcadv.org or Casey Keene (VAWnet) at ck@pcadv.org.
Who Should I Follow?
There are many violence against women advocates and allies participating in the Twitter community. Below are a handful of suggestions to get you started.
- @VAWnet (The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women)
- http://twitter.com/VAWnet
- @NNEDV (The National Network to End Domestic Violence)
- http://twitter.com/nnedv
- @WithoutViolence (Futures Without Violence)
- http://twitter.com/WithoutViolence
- @NCDSV (National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence)
- http://twitter.com/NCDSV
- @IDVAAC (The Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community)
- http://twitter.com/IDVAAC
- @MINCAVA (Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse)
- http://twitter.com/mincava
- @PreventConnect (A project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault)
- http://twitter.com/preventconnect
- @NSVRC (The National Sexual Violence Resource Center)
- http://twitter.com/NSVRC
- @WomensLaw
- http://twitter.com/WomensLaw
- @BreaktheCycleDV
- http://twitter.com/BreaktheCycleDV
- @VDay
- http://twitter.com/VDay
- @WhiteRibbon (White Ribbon Canada)
- http://twitter.com/whiteribbon
- @GlobalFundWomen (Global Fund for Women)
- http://twitter.com/GlobalFundWomen
- @LegalMomentum
- http://twitter.com/LegalMomentum
- Find state domestic violence coalitions on Twitter as well, such as @janedoe, @TNCoalition, @MCADSV, and @GCADV.