DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, 8-27-12

Did anyone talk about anything else besides Rep. Akin’s ludicrous and offensive sexual assault comments last week?  I suppose we did, but it certainly dominated a lot of the conversation (hopefully you had the opportunity to read IAFN”s statement). Fortunately, there has been other stuff in the news since last we spoke:

What Successful People Do With The First Hour Of Their Work Day (Fast Company)

Texas rethinks law making repeat prostitution a felony (American Statesman)

Presidential Proclamation – Women’s Equality Day, 2012 (

Revictimizing Native Women for Political Purposes (Indian Country Today)

Imagine You Were Raped. Got Pregnant. Then Your Rapist Sought Custody (Mother Jones)

Foreign Policy, Akin-Style: How the U.S. Denies Abortions to Women Raped in War (The Atlantic)

Trends of Sexual and Violent Content by Gender in Top-Grossing U.S. Films, 1950 –2006 (Journal of Adolescent Health—PDF)

The Rise Of Social Entrepreneurship, From Innovation To Industry (Co.EXIST via The Foundation Center)

And because we all need a little humor for this Monday morning:

5 Funniest Internet Reactions to Todd Akin Legitimate Rape Comments (PolicyMic) [Ed: 1 and 5 are my faves]


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