DV/IPV Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke, Jet Lag Edition

First off, thanks for the lovely comments and emails from last week’s post. I heart FHO readers in a big way. Secondly, I know it’s not Monday where most of you are, but it is Monday here (albeit really, really early on Monday here). So since I’m awake, how about a run down of what I’ve been reading since last we spoke:

How to Give a Killer Presentation (Harvard Business Review)

Safe Haven for Victims of Abuse, and Now Their Pets (WNYC)

Facebook Sexism, YouTube Attacks On Feminist Frequency, And How Hate Speech Make Tech Take Sides (Think Progress)

Military’s sexual-assault problem has deep roots (Mercury News)

Toolkit: How to Calculate the Average Costs of Detaining a Youth (National Juvenile Justice Network)

To Intervene or Not to Intervene (Rachel Simmons)

How To Be A Victim (Black Girl Dangerous)

Anonymous Wants to Teach Rape Prevention in Schools (Mother Jones)

And because I get so angry with the misguided attempts to defund Planned Parenthood, an organization that makes it possible for many of the patients we see to get follow-up care post-assault, particularly low-income, uninsured and minor patients who may not want their parents to find out through an insurance claim (or for that matter, IPV patients who don’t want their abuser to find out through an insurance claim), I got a good laugh at the hijacking of the #ExposePP campaign on twitter.

(Bonus feel-good video: A Brave Fan Asks Patrick Stewart A Question He Doesn’t Usually Get And Is Given A Beautiful Answer)



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