Child Abuse DV/IPV Elder Abuse/Neglect Sexual Assault

Since Last We Spoke 6-16-14

Did you have a fantastic weekend? We did for sure–a glorious, not-too-hot one in the DC metro area. And along with that, the awesome news that my spouse was promoted to Major, which meant some small celebrations around here (in anticipation of the big one that will come with the official ceremony next month). Still there was some down time, which almost always means being plugged in somewhere. So here’s what I’ve been checking out since last we spoke:

Rock on, Sister Tesa

Why gender and gun violence need to be discussed together

Related: “…what’s wrong with the women?” (Also: seriously?)

More on the covetable status of victimization

Say yes to yourself first and everyone will say yes later

The boy’s guide to not being a jerk

Tech-facilitated assistance

This may be my new motto

Progress, but not enough.

This week in military sexual trauma

Reparations for sexual violence in conflict

Yesterday was World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

For obvious reasons this makes my heart hurt

Also in the heart-hurting department

Love that we’re having this conversation

One reply on “Since Last We Spoke 6-16-14”

Thank you for continuing to compile quality articles for us all. As always, they were very enlightening. Thank you!

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